
Products and Services:
Listed below are companies that provide products and services that have been recommended to clients in the financial advisory, legal and selected small businesses by Burnett Marus Associates. Direct links are provided. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us

"The Tools You Need for The Success You Want"

Customer Relationship Manager
Practice Builder Based in Middletown, OH, Practice Builder is a complete practice management system. In today's highly regulated financial services environment, this product is a necessity. It's combination of compliance, drip marketing, contact manager and practice management rolled into one.

Interactive Financial Planning Software
Plan Builder The companion program to Practice Builder, Plan Builder was originally designed by CCH. It is a complete financial plan designer with features that are designed and implemented by professionals active in the practice. Service and support for Plan Builder and Practice Builder are second to none.

Investment Portfolio Management Software
Virtual Portfolio Manager QST providers the Virtual Portfolio Manager which tracks stocks, mutual funds and other equities in portfolios designed by the user based on his requirements. Recommendations are made for entry to and exits from the market based on QST's investment models.

Video E-Mail Services
CoVideo This is an embedded video e-mail service. With CoVideo, you can record and send a video e-mail to your clients rather than a text e-mail. CoVideo is the pioneer in this field and the applications for this are enormous.

Advanced Multi-Media Marketing
iMediaPro Very high-end multi-media marketing presentations for financial advisors and realtors. From the same firm that brought you the "Audio Business Card" and the "video Business Card", the present generation of DVD marketing is state of the art.

Identity Theft Protection for Advisors
ID Secure: A identity theft program that not only monitors activity and provides alerts to theft attempts but also provides investigative accounting services through Kroll, Inc. to restore identity and credit. Contact Burnett Marus Associates directly for details.

Top Ranked Life Insurance Company
Ohio National Life: One of the nation's premier life insurance companies providing low cost term as well as excellent whole life products coupled with extraordinary underwriting and agent field service.

